Vitor Pereira

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Here's one very happy man

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This is an excerpt of a IM conversation I just had.

[14:39] caveatemptor27:
[14:39] caveatemptor27:
[14:39] caveatemptor27:
[14:39] caveatemptor27:
[14:39] caveatemptor27: Gantt charts are officially old news this morning
[14:40] Vitor Pereira: what's up?
[14:40] caveatemptor27:
[14:41] caveatemptor27: embedded views where the target database is dynamic
[14:41] caveatemptor27: that's what's up
[14:41] caveatemptor27: and no, there's no DXL involved
[14:41] Vitor Pereira: slow down
[14:41] caveatemptor27: it's so simple, you're going to cry

Keep your eyes on Escape Velocity.