ILUG Rocks

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I really don't know what more to say about the event put together by Paul Mooney, Eileen Fitzgerald, Kitty Elsmore, Warren Elsmore, Bill Buchan, Tom Duff and the ones that were enlisted as they arrived like Matt White.
Like Paul said it is a good sign when people don't notice the work being done backstage and believe me everything went so smooth that you could (almost) be fooled into thinking that it was an easy job. It really wasn't, they were able to get most of the top speakers in this industry to speak at the conference, great sponsors that also did a great job of showing their products\solutions and answer all the questions we had and organize and manage a two day three track conference for over 250 attendees that run perfectly while keeping everyone fed and watered.
The hotel was also a good choice, as you can imagine keeping all these people fed and watered between sessions is not an easy task and they did it perfectly. Heck they even served Guinness in Rob Novak's session! Which must have been the first time ever in a conference. I wonder what they must have been thinking.
From the personal perspective I had the chance to meet some of these great people who are part of our "community" and share some experiences.
Expect some more related posts and pictures during the next few days.