Bad time to start a blog
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Before you read any further this is not a goodbye post. Heck! I just got here.
This was definitely not the best time to start a blog as I haven't had any time to write at all. My job has been keeping me quite busy, doing extra hours and even doing the (not so) occasional work from home on weekends. I didn't even have much time to play with Notes 8, all I did was set up some beta testers.
The good thing is that I'm back on doing some serious development for the Notes Client which I haven't done for a while.
Even before Notes 8, which is a major overall of the notes client, IBM\Lotus have been introducing some new design elements in the last release cycles that make life much better for the developer and improve the overall experience for end users.
In a few more weeks I will be able to write about some of the new techniques I've been learning.
Right now it's time for a well deserved vacation. I'm off to the Maldives next Sunday for a week of nothing but absolute relaxation.
See you on the other side.

Before you read any further this is not a goodbye post. Heck! I just got here.
This was definitely not the best time to start a blog as I haven't had any time to write at all. My job has been keeping me quite busy, doing extra hours and even doing the (not so) occasional work from home on weekends. I didn't even have much time to play with Notes 8, all I did was set up some beta testers.
The good thing is that I'm back on doing some serious development for the Notes Client which I haven't done for a while.
Even before Notes 8, which is a major overall of the notes client, IBM\Lotus have been introducing some new design elements in the last release cycles that make life much better for the developer and improve the overall experience for end users.
In a few more weeks I will be able to write about some of the new techniques I've been learning.
Right now it's time for a well deserved vacation. I'm off to the Maldives next Sunday for a week of nothing but absolute relaxation.
See you on the other side.